Freedom is no more

In the 1990s and 2000s, I predicted that yesterday would arrive.  I was scoffed at, called crazy, and told “that would never happen.” 

And here we are.

I’ve spent since before I graduated High School, fighting Marxism.  In the 1990s, I knew exactly what I was looking at in education reform, ie, education transformation, bringing Marxist indoctrination to every school, in every state, in the United States.  

And because I knew, in 1999/2000, I was prosecuted in the same manner as President Trump.  But I did not quit, I did not give up. 

Our United States Constitution went up in smoke yesterday.  We are now in a state of anarchy.  Will civil war follow?  Very possible.

I cried for my country a very long time ago.  Last night, I had no tears to shed. 

Are the American people, who love the U.S. Constitution, now willing to fight?
