Gary Varvel: 18 reasons to vote for Kamala

Harris meets the press


When Vice President Kamala Harris was asked during a CNN interview why she has flip-flopped on Medicare-for-all and her previous promise to ban fracking, she claimed that her “values haven’t changed.” When asked about Harris’ changing positions, Sen. Bernie Sanders said “she is just being pragmatic in order to get elected.” In other words, she’s lying.

Instead of answering policy questions at the debate last week, Harris spent her time attacking Trump so we still don’t know what she wants to do as president. Well, let me help you by giving you some of her past statements and some reasons why some people will vote for Kamala Harris to be the 47th president.

  1. If you like paying $11,000-a-year more than you did during the Trump economy, then you should vote for Harris. She cast the deciding vote in the Senate for Biden’s $1 Trillion Inflation Reduction Act that gave billions in subsidies to wind and solar technologies. Biden says the bill should have been named what it is – a climate change bill.
  2. If you like inflation and enjoy spending 20 percent more for food and 50 percent more for gas, than you did during the Trump years then you should vote for Harris.
  3. If you want a president who believes in Communistic price controls, then you should vote for Harris.
  4. If you believe in open borders which has resulted in an invasion of over 10 million illegal migrants and over 100,000 fentanyl deaths since Harris has been in office. And if you think we should pay for their health care, shelter and food of those who enter illegally, then you should vote for Harris.
  5. If you think taxpayers should pay for transgenders surgeries for inmates in prisons, then you should vote for Harris.
  6. If you want biological men in women’s bathrooms and competing in women’s sports, then you should vote for Harris.
  7. If you believe in Medicare-for-all (government-run health care), then you should vote for Harris.
  8. If you support reparations for black people, then you should vote for Harris.
  9. If you support a mandatory gun buy-back program, then you should vote for Harris.
  10. If you believe death-row inmates should have the right to vote, then you should vote for Harris.
  11. If you want a government mandate banning gas-powered cars and forcing everyone to buy an electric car by 2045, then you should vote for Harris.
  12. If you support defunding the police, then you should vote for Harris.
  13. If you’re for raising money to bail out violent criminals after the George Floyd riots, then you should vote for Harris.
  14. If you believe in abolishing ICE (the Immigration and Customs Enforcement), then you should vote for Harris.
  15. If you believe in abolishing the Electoral College, then you should vote for Harris.
  16. If you believe in abortion up to the moment of birth, then you should vote for Harris.
  17. If you think children should have a “right” to transgender hormones, puberty blockers, and surgeries, similar to the executive order that Tim Walz signed as governor of Minnesota, then you should vote for Harris.
  18. If you want to pay higher taxes and destroy America’s economy, then you should vote for Harris.

Kamala Harris pledges to “chart a new way forward.”

But as Albert Einstein once said, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.”

It has been 65 days since Joe Biden was forced out of the presidential race and replaced by Vice President Kamala Harris and she still has not held an official press conference.

It has been said that “it’s better to be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.” This appears to be the Harris campaign strategy.


NFL Hall of Fame coach Tony Dungy asks Kamala Harris what faith she is talking about that would support killing an innocent child in the womb.