Gary Varvel: An open letter to my grandchildren about Pride month

How to win the war for your soul

When President Obama led President Biden off stage after a fundraiser, it appeared to me that we were seeing the puppet and the puppet master. These 2 presidents have fundamentally transformed America and led to our decline.

An open letter to my grandchildren, 

This may be hard to hear, but as your Papaw and because I love you, I must warn you.

You have been born into a spiritual war and the battlefield is your mind. Your thought-life will dictate your worldview which will dictate your actions which will determine your destiny. My advice: Make your decisions based on truth, not on feelings.

Proverbs 23:7 says, “For as he thinks in his heart, so is he…”

The battle lines are drawn. You must choose a side in this war: God or the world. For your sake and the sake of your future family, I urge you to choose God’s side.

The Bible warns that the wisdom of this world is foolishness to God. For example, the world calls the month of June — Pride month. 

God hates pride

Pride transformed the angel Lucifer into Satan. Pride enticed Eve to sin and brought the curse of death into the world. Pride motivated Jacob’s sons to sell their brother Joseph into slavery. Pride caused King Nebuchadnezzar to lose his mind. Pride incited the Pharisees to arrest Jesus and pride provoked Pontius Pilate to crucify Him. People who are prideful can be nauseating to be around. Pride is like a disease that makes everyone sick, except the one who has it. So humble yourself instead.