Gary Varvel: Graduating ignorance

Plus a Michael Cohen cartoon

Graduation walkouts: We witnessed a disgraceful display of immaturity at several college commencements over the weekend.

Graduates walked out as comedian Jerry Seinfeld was about to give his commencement address. The same thing happened when Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin was about to speak. And at Columbia, a zip-tie wearing graduate ripped up her diploma after receiving it onstage. That was such a proud moment for her parents. I hope they got some good pictures of what their tuition money purchased — ignorance. (FYI: Ripping apart a diploma with your wrists tied is arduous and makes you look more idiotic).

All of this childish behavior was to protest Israel fighting a war against a terrorist organization that slaughtered innocent civilians on October 7, is continuing to hold hostages and wants to destroy all of the Jews living in Israel from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea.

Never in my life have I seen so much demonic hatred for Jewish people as there is today. It’s like the Nazi’s have been resurrected. These anti-Semites openly spew their hatred on social media.

Jesus said in John 8:44, “You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning…”

Does that sound harsh? Jesus was talking to the Jewish leaders who would deliver him to the Romans for execution.

The devil also hates the Jews because God chose them to write down His Word (the Holy Bible). God chose the Jews to be the lineage of Jesus Christ, their Messiah and Savior. Although as a nation, the Jews have not accepted Jesus but according to One for Israel, 30,000 have. God also chose the Jews to institute the Temple worship that was fulfilled when Jesus died on a cross becoming the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. 

When students walk out on a Jewish speaker, or trap Jewish students in a library, or when people attack Israel online, they are doing what the devil desires.

Ol’ Pinocchio nose, Michael Cohen, testified in a Kangaroo Court in the Donald Trump lawfare case. FYI: Cohen has admitted that he has lied in court. He has lied to the media and he pled guilty to lying to Congress.