Gary Varvel: Kamala’s monster

Plus: The problem with Christians, Prophecy update and Israel’s Defense Force

Fox News reported that a new ICE report states 425,000 criminal migrants were set free in U.S. Thanks, Kamala.

President Biden put her in charge of the border and she did nothing. It took her nearly 4 years to visit the border. And now we find out that, “425,431 convicted criminals, 62,231 have been convicted of assault, 14,301 convicted of burglary, 56,533 have drug convictions and 13,099 have been convicted of homicide. An additional 2,521 have kidnapping convictions and 15,811 have sexual assault convictions.”

This should be the biggest story of the election season but only NBC News mentioned it. The other networks ignored it. The Harris/Biden administration is responsible for every death or rape at the hands of an illegal migrant.

Former President Trump must have been right when he said that other countries were emptying their prisons and sending them to our country.

In 2021, Reuters reported that when Joe Biden became president, he “signed half a dozen executive orders… to reverse several hardline immigration policies put in place by former President Donald Trump.” This explains why 10-15 million people entered America illegally during the past 3.5 years including criminals.


Biden would not have won in 2020, if 25 million Christians had voted for Biblical principles in that presidential election. Todd Starnes says, “15 million Christians are not even registered to vote. And THAT is the problem.” Christians, you may not like Trump, but by not voting, you’re giving your permission to be ruled by people who make unBiblical laws. Religious freedom is on the ballot. The lives of the unborn are on the ballot. America’s future is on the ballot. At the very least, vote for the party that acknowledges there is a God who is our Creator.


I have studied end times prophecies in the Bible for many years and I don’t see any mention of the world’s current superpower — the United States of America. Obviously, the focus is on Israel and the surrounding nations. But what happens to our country? After reading Cal Thomas’ book “America’s Expiration Date,” and living through the Biden years, I can imagine our nation’s demise if Kamala Harris wins the presidency. I’m serious.

Globalists want a One-World Government and Harris will oblige. But Trump’s Make America Great Again agenda, would block globalists’ plans. (See globalist Yuval Noah Harari video below.) If it were up to the globalists, they would not allow Trump to win again. (Cont. below)

VIDEO – Globalist Yuval Noah Harari warns that a Trump presidency would end the “Global Order.” Trump should use that in a campaign ad.


Revelation 13 describes in detail a One World Government that will be ruled by one person, known as the man of sin, the Beast or the Antichrist. He will be assisted by a person known as the False Prophet. It also describes an economic system in which no one can buy or sell unless they have the mark. Prophecy scholars believe that this system will be controlled by AI (Artificial Intelligence).


We have witnessed another fulfillment of prophecy in Ezekiel 37.

Last night, Israel sent ground forces into Lebanon. In the past week, the Israeli army has proven to the world that it is an “exceedingly great army.” Israel has gone on the offensive, after a year of defending itself from daily attacks from Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis and a missile attack from Iran. Thanks to the Iron Dome and David’s Sling, the enemies weapons have not been successful.

Last week, Israel launched the most ingenious Trojan Horse attack in history. They planted bombs in pagers and walkie talkies and sold them to Hezbollah. When they exploded, they severely injured thousands and killed dozens of terrorists. Plus, while Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was speaking at the United Nations, Israel killed Hezbollah’s leader, Hassan Nasrallah. Now, that Israel has cut off the head of the snake and badly injured the rest, Israel’s ground offensive should finish them off.

In Ezekiel 37, the prophet sees a valley of dry bones. God tells him this is the house of Israel. I believe that God was showing Ezekiel the future Holocaust.

Then God made the bones join together and he put flesh on the bones and breathed the breath of life into them. Then verse 10 says, “…and they lived, and stood upon their feet, an exceedingly great army.” When Israel became a nation on May 14, 1948, they fulfilled Ezekiel’s prophecy but they couldn’t be called an exceedingly great army. They’ve won every war they’ve fought since then but the events of the last week prove to me that God has performed a miracle in making the smallest country in the Middle East, the strongest and smartest fighting force — “an exceedingly great army.”

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The Federalist – Jordan Boyd: The millions of Americans who have lost their people and property to Helene are left by Biden to fend for themselves among the floodwaters.