Vice President Kamala Harris may be measuring the drapes in the oval office. Recently, she said she was ready to serve as President if needed. President Biden’s visible cognitive struggles are causing even democrats to question his ability to serve another 4 years. Even the George Washington painting on the wall doesn’t like what he’s seeing.
In reality, Harris probably won’t be Biden’s replacement. This Townhall.com column by Sarah Arnold points out a NYT columnist arguing why Dems need to strategically think about a Biden replacement that isn’t Harris.

The House impeached Secretary of Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkas for being terrible at his job. Instead of enforcing existing immigration laws, he’s failed to stop the invasion of millions on the U.S. southern border and has allowed millions to enter our country. Mayorkas blames the Republicans for not passing new immigration laws. But the truth is, democrats had a supermajority the first 2 years of Biden’s administration and they did nothing but open the border and invite the world to come move here.
Mayorkas is personally responsible for the the fentanyl, human trafficking and possible terrorists who are living among us now.