Gary Varvel: Trump’s Providential protection

Former president miraculously survives assassination attempt

Former President Trump miraculously survived an assassination attempt last night. Video shows that he turned his head to the right and slightly tilted it down to the left just as a bullet clipped his ear. Without that move, America would be planning a funeral today. Was it dumb luck? No, I believe it was Divine protection. That’s right, the hand of God kept the bullet from hitting its mark.

Tragically, at the time of this writing, at least one person was killed by the assassin who was immediately neutralized (killed) by police.

I don’t know why God allows some people to die while preserving the life of others. But I am reminded of the Providential protection of George Washington.

In 1755, America was engaged in the French and Indian War. France sided with the Indians for control of our country and the British sided with Americans. England sent British General Edward Braddock with his troops to America to fight. A 23-year-old officer named George Washington and 100 Virginia buckskins joined Braddock’s campaign to expel the French from the Ohio Valley.

In May of 1755, Braddock’s troops marched on Fort Duquesne (Pittsburgh, PA) when they were ambushed by the French and Indians hiding behind trees. The British troops were not used to fighting an enemy that didn’t fight in an open field. Although Braddock had many more soldiers, they were sitting ducks in their bright red uniforms and they were massacred by the French and Indians. Sixty of the eighty officers were killed within a few hours of battle. After Braddock was wounded, Washington mounted a retreat and the general was carried by wagon back to Fort Meadows, Pennsylvania where he died four days later.

When Washington arrived back in Fort Cumberland, he wrote a letter to his mother and his brother in which he said,

“By the all-powerful dispensations of Providence, I have been protected beyond all human probability and expectation; for I had four bullets through my coat, and two horses shot under me, yet escaped unhurt, although death was leveling my companions on every side.”

This is an amazing story and it used to be printed in public school history books. But this is the rest of the story.

Fifteen years later in 1770, during a time of peace, Washington returned to the area of that battle and was met by an Indian chief named Red Hawk. It is reported that he said to Washington,

“I have traveled a long and weary path that I might see the young warrior of the great battle. It was on the day when the white man’s blood mixed with the streams of the forest that I first beheld you. I told my young men, ‘Quick, let your aim be certain he dies.’ Our rifles were leveled, rifles but for you knew not how to miss. It was all in vain. A power mightier far than we shielded you. Seeing that you were under the guardianship of the Great Spirit, we ceased to fire at you. I am come to pay homage to the man who is the particular favorite of heaven and who can never die in battle.”

Looking back, we can see that Providence (God) prolonged Washington’s life though many battles so that he could become the Father of our Country. 

The Trump assassination attempt yesterday was predictable. In fact, 10 months ago Tucker Carlson predicted that since criticism of Trump, protests, 2 impeachments and 4 indictments didn’t stop Trump’s popularity, that “we’re speeding toward assassination, obviously.” 

This was an act of a godless society. Godless people make themselves their own god and when they are told that Trump is dictator like Hitler, and a threat to democracy, it’s not surprising that someone decides to play god and eliminate the threat.

Miraculously, Trump’s life was spared. Still, our hearts are grieved and we pray for the family of the man who was killed attending Trump’s rally. And we pray also for those who were injured. Oh, and we need to pray for Divine protection during the convention this week.