Get US Out! of the United Nations

The UN’s Summit of the Future will take place early next week, on September 22-23 in New York City. Depending on what happens at the summit, it could be the UN’s largest and most radical power grab to date. For example, the Pact for the Future, which outlines the summit’s agenda, calls for a vastly strengthened UN, fully implementing the UN’s totalitarian Agenda 2030 plan, national disarmament, and much more. 

This agenda illustrates that the solution isn’t to reform the UN, but to totally withdraw our nation from the globalist and subversive body. 

Legislation to Get US Out! of the United Nations (H.R. 6645 and S. 3428, the DEFUND Act), which would fully withdraw the United States from the UN and restore U.S. sovereignty, is pending in Congress. 

Contact your U.S. representative and senators, and urge them to support and cosponsor these bills, and to ensure their passage in Congress.