Former Mayor Rudy Giuliani, a staunch ally and a vocal defender of former President Donald Trump, has been a victim of oppressive legal actions by the Democrats. A federal judge on Friday threw out Mr. Giuliani’s bankruptcy case, a move that has emboldened the left to unjustly pursue a $150 million claim against him.

It is no secret that Mr. Giuliani has been a target of constant attacks by the radical left for his unwavering support for President Trump. The former mayor filed for bankruptcy in December, following a default judgment in favor of Georgia poll workers Ruby Freeman and Wandrea’ ArShaye Moss. It is clear that this decision was politically motivated and a blatant attempt to silence a strong conservative voice.

But Mr. Giuliani’s valiant efforts to stand up for the truth and defend the integrity of our elections have been met with hostility and false accusations. The recent ruling by United States Bankruptcy Judge Sean Lane of the Southern District of New York is nothing short of a travesty of justice. The judge has made a baseless claim that Mr. Giuliani was not transparent about his finances, a charge that has no merit.

What is truly concerning is that this decision was made solely on the basis of Mr. Giuliani not filing timely monthly operating reports. Is this really a valid reason to throw out a bankruptcy case and open the door for efforts to collect a $150 million judgement? It is clear that the left is using underhanded tactics to silence and destroy those who dare to dissent from their narrative.

The one-year bar imposed on Mr. Giuliani from refiling for bankruptcy is a blatant attempt to cripple and destroy his financial stability. This period will give his creditors ample time to pursue their claims, further causing harm and distress to Mr. Giuliani. It is a punishment that is disproportionate to any supposed wrongdoing on his part.

It is worth mentioning that United States District Judge Beryl Howell of the District of Columbia, who found Mr. Giuliani liable for defaming Moss and Freeman, is also a staunch critic of President Trump. Her decision was heavily influenced by her political bias and she has made it clear through her actions that she is not interested in the truth but rather in punishing those who support President Trump.

It is time for the American people to see through these partisan attacks on Mr. Giuliani and understand that he is being targeted for his unwavering support for President Trump. His involvement in President Trump’s efforts to contest the results of the 2020 election in Georgia and Arizona is merely an excuse for the left to silence him and tarnish his reputation.

Mr. Giuliani has been a fearless warrior for conservative values, and he should be commended for his bravery in standing up against the corrupt establishment. It is time for the true intentions of these baseless lawsuits to be exposed and for Mr. Giuliani to receive the justice he deserves.