In less than two months, the World Health Organization (WHO) will gather in Geneva for the 77th annual World Health Assembly. Members of the WHO, including 194 nations, will vote on two agreements that threaten national sovereignty and our personal health freedoms. These documents, the Pandemic Accord (Treaty) and the amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) will give the WHO’s Director General, Tedros Ghebreyesus, unprecedented power to declare whatever he deems to be actual or potential “public health emergencies of international concern” and dictate what must be done in response.
Despite our best efforts to get Congress to defund the WHO in the last appropriations bill, the language defunding the WHO and requiring Senate ratification of these documents was removed in the final bill. Because the World Health Assembly is to meet at the end of May, the time is NOW to take every action to stop or delay the meeting, require the Senate to ratify these international agreements, and encourage our state governments to stand up and reassert their 10th amendment rights.
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The Senate must demand that the President submit the WHO’s Pandemic Treaty and the IHR amendments to the Senate for its “advice and consent” before the Administration agrees to them. Art. 2 Section 2 of the Constitution gives the power to make treaties to the President, “by and with the advice and consent of the Senate.” Too often, as is being done with these WHO documents, the President can bypass the Senate by unilaterally declaring internationally negotiated accords to be “executive agreements” that are not mentioned in the Constitution and are not submitted to the Senate for advice and consent. According to a study by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in 2001, “The requirement for the Senate’s advice and consent gives the Senate a check over all international agreements submitted to it as treaties. The main threat of erosion of the Senate treaty power comes not from the international agreements that are submitted as treaties, however, but from the many international agreements that are not submitted for its consent.” The Senate MUST assert its authority and be allowed to give its advice and consent. Several bills have been introduced that will ensure this happens, including S. 444, the No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act.
Eagle Forum has partnered with a group of patriotic public policy-minded leaders, courageous medical practitioners, lawyers, non-profit leaders, activist organizations, and other influential individuals — under the banner of the Sovereignty Coalition — to educate as many people as possible about the WHO and pool our knowledge. The Sovereignty Coalition is hosting two meetings every week to update and empower the grassroots. Join us and invite your friends:
• Mondays at 8 pm ET on Zoom: Mobilize for Sovereignty: No WHO
Register once and you’ll be reminded each week.
• Wednesdays at 7 pm ET on X (Twitter): UPDATE ON THE WHO
X Space hosted by Dr. Kat Lindley @KLVeritas and @sovcoalition