Hey Conservatives, Stop Being Victims

There seems to be a victimhood mentality plaguing the right these days over the progressive takeovers of mainstream institutions. From traditional media outlets to bureaucrats in three-letter government agencies to community organizations that have gradually drifted to the left, a concerning number of conservatives seem happy to take their football and go home when groups or organizations ideologically drift away from us. It doesn’t have to be this way.

One of the reasons the left is so effective is because they generally believe in incremental change. When a billionaire on the right gives money to a conservative cause, they expect some form of return on investment for the money donated. They want to see proof that the money was used to tangibly move the needle in their direction. Not so on the left. When Hillary Clinton first pushed universal healthcare in the 90s, it was not intended to affect legislation but rather to gradually shift the Overton Window of the American electorate on the subject. Less than 20 years later, Obamacare was passed.

If conservatives would take a collaborative, incremental approach to the management of changing ideology within organizations, our side would be much more effective, and local to national institutions would begin shifting back in our direction.