Ilegal Aliens on the voter rolls

Even though the debacle, in 2020, made it clear that illegal aliens were voting, the Republican Party has spent the last three years doing nothing to stop this even though they’ve been sent numerous articles, like this one –, on how to use technology (Fractal) to check voter rolls.

In just the past few days, a Washington group was fined by the courts for filing what the court termed a “frivolous” lawsuit.  The Motor Voter act was passed, at the federal level, in 1993.  This act allowed people to register to vote, with a touch of a button, when applying for a state driver license or identification card.

In the late 1990s, I discovered an illegal alien registered to vote.  Quite obviously, this illegal had obtained either a driver license or ID card through the State of Washington.  I notified the Secretary of State, provided them with the evidence that was needed to remove this illegal alien from the voter rolls.  I checked the voter rolls periodically for about a year.  Nothing happened.  So I contacted my state senator.  It took another year and his assistance to get this illegal alien removed.

As it is a Class C felony for an illegal alien to register to vote, I called the federal Attorney General’s office, on the West Side, and inquired why this illegal alien had not been charged.  I was told that “was because there was no evidence the illegal alien had voted”.  In other words, the federal government was not enforcing the law as written.

It is now 2024 and the Democrats can’t win with Joe Biden; and they have every intention of cheating again.