April has already been a busy month and I want to give you a report on some very exciting activities in which I have been heavily involved. The effort to build Freedom Pods is growing!
In previous reports I’ve mentioned the fight in Central Ohio where the Communist Chinese Party is creating a deceptive operation to build a huge solar panel assembly plant in a small rural community called Pataskala. All the materials come from China. They’ve created a shill corporation called Illuminate USA. 49% of it is owned by LONGI, a partner with a Chinese corporation, all designed to make it look like an American company. The mayor and city council are going along with it as all they see are dollar signs in their heads.
Local citizens have organized to stop it, and the mayor has called them radicals. I recently spoke to a gathering of local activists to give encouragement and new tactics to keep fighting. I explained that the same threat is affecting communities in Wisconsin and Michigan. And citizens in those states are fighting back.
One thing I told them was to work to “kill the product!” By that I mean we need to change the debate by showing how worthless solar and wind power are to our future. We must stand our ground to stop the drive to wind and solar which are based completely on government money and policy. If we can accomplish that, then we can stop the Chinese from destroying our economic system!
On that same trip, I also addressed activist leaders in Belmont County, Ohio, where the state Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) has locked away over 28,000 acres of land that cannot be used for private enterprise or homes. It’s called the Egypt Valley Wildlife Refuge.
The ODNR had promised to build a new economy based on tourism, with lakes, hunting trails, fishing, etc. None of that has happened. The land is just sitting there, in terrible condition, as animal predators multiply, attacking farmstock, and the county dives into economic ruin with no tax dollars for roads, schools, and law enforcement.
I’m working with local citizens to create a plan of action to repeal the wildlife refuge and return the land to private ownership. The local television news program covered my talk as I outlined a strategy to take action, organize, and build pressure in the state legislature.
Meanwhile, around the country, I am teaching local activists and candidates for office how to be more effective as they take a stand to push back against the government overreach in their states and communities.
If we are going to restore our Republic and return this nation to free enterprise, private property, and the individual hopes and dreams to live our own lives – then we must build a permanent infrastructure of activism – that’s a Freedom Pod.
A major part of my plan is to bring on new candidates who understand the threat and teach them how to gain office.
I just spoke with a young man who is running for the state legislature in Missouri. He is a dedicated patriot but wanted to know how to address his audiences and effectively present his positions for limited government. I spent several hours providing leadership and ideas for researching his opponent and showing how to expose his socialist positions, by asking a series of well-placed questions. For example, “Does his opponent support private property protection? Then why does he support placing public housing projects in single family neighborhoods?”
Meanwhile, I met with one of APC’s leading activists in Colorado who is pummeling local elected representatives, demanding to know if they support private property rights. She uses a document created by APC – designed to present to candidates as they run for office titled, “Candidates Promise to Protect Citizen’s Property Rights.” It defines property rights and asks them to sign the pledge. The purpose is to expose those who refuse to sign it. She is using it effectively. It’s amazing how many candidates are afraid to say they support property rights. This is how we build pressure and expose them.
One of my most dedicated activists in Minnesota was able to take control of a public meeting and inspire local citizens by simply standing up and asking a key question. The city council was planning to build a second solar farm in the community. Ron asked a key question. “What benefit has the community earned from the first solar farm.”The planners and council members could not answer that simple question. They looked at him dumbfounded. He asked a couple more related questions, and they were silent – unable to answer questions about their own project. The crowd began to cheer him.
These are just some of the latest activities APC and I have been helping to lead. I’m working on new tactics that are easy for local activists to get started. Above all, I’m focusing on ways to help change the debate and take the offense instead of always on the defense in trying to save our way of life.
And the exciting thing is that these tactics are starting to work!
Now, I need to reach more concerned citizens and build Freedom Pods in more communities. More and more Americans are starting to understand that our way of life is under threat – and more are determined to take action. But most don’t know what to do. Many are intimidated to stand up and speak out. I know what to do and I know how to teach them.
It takes good, hard cash to create the tools and distribute them. It takes more to stay on the road and communicate with those interested in learning. My only goal is to win — by rebuilding our freedom. Will you continue to stand with me? I can only move with your financial support.
Please, just click here to make your donation to APC. Or, if you want to send a check, just mail it to American Policy Center, 53 Main Street, box 3640, Warrenton, VA 20188-3640.
I am totally focused on building the most effective activist movement in the nation. I have put together a volunteer team to help new activists get started. I have never been more energized. Please stand with me and let’s defeat these evil forces!