Is Donald Trump Going to Get Convicted? Of Course, He Is.

Is Donald Trump going to get convicted?

Of course, he’s going to get convicted. C’mon, let’s not be crazy. I mean, there is some off-chance there’ll be a hung jury, I don’t think there’ll be an acquittal, at least not of everything.

But look, the fact is, they’re going to convict him of something, except there’s no crime.

But if he is convicted will he actually go to jail?  

Lots of people think this is impossible, but it would certainly be possible for any other defendant. In Trump’s case, he could, theoretically, be sentenced to anything between probation and a maximum sentence of 20 years if convicted on all counts. A sentence of 20 years, however, is extremely unlikely — almost impossible, in fact. The maximum Trump faces is probably four years, and his actual sentence, for several reasons, would likely be substantially less. It might even be a term of probation, although, considering Trump’s complete lack of remorse, some sort of custodial sentence is likely.