It looks like Israel had to detonate of the Hezbollah pagers and radios earlier than intended.  Israeli intelligence determined that some Hezbollah members had become concerned about the pagers, but they were too late to act on those suspicions before Israel detonated them.  It came down to a, “Use it or lose it” decision, but now that they’ve shown their hand, Israel has decided to begin a massive air attack on Lebanon to soften things up before their highly trained 98th Division of the IDF, which is poised on the Lebanese border, goes in to initiate the ground invasion to secure the safety of Northern Israel.

Personally, I think this change in intended timing is the work of God.  Hezbollah’s command, control and secure communications are in near total disarray, so Israel is striking while the pan is hot, which is going to cause the Hezbollah forces to be running around chasing their tails when the ground invasion is initiated.  Hezbollah may have been the most potent force threatening Israel in terms of personnel and weapons, but with their command, control and secure communications now irrelevant, I believe Israel is going to steam-roll over any Hezbollah resistance, push them past the line established by the UN (but never enforced) and then stay to make sure they don’t return.

I’m sure this has our U.S. Administration clutching their pearls, but who cares?  It is high time Israel began acting entirely in its own best interest, because this administration has done nothing to discourage Iran’s continued use of its proxies to attack Israel, and there’s no sign that would change with a Harris presidency.  In fact, if the Democrats steal this upcoming election again, the relations between the United States and Israel are going to sour in record time, so Israel needs to stop making nice with Biden and go full steam ahead to solve the Hezbollah problem before November 5th.

That’s my opinion, and I’m stickin’ to it!

Carl F. Worden