Kamala’s Gobbledygook Answer About Paying for Her Spending Shows Exactly Why They Don’t Let Her Talk

Kamala Harris was in Pennsylvania on Sunday. 

We reported earlier on some of her remarks, including a word salad about democracy.

Number one, this is a nutty riff that she’s done before. But number two, it’s hilarious that she, of all people, is talking about “democracy” when the folks who helped to install her shoved the guy who got more than 14 million votes in the primary out of the race. She didn’t get one vote in the primary for the top position. So really, they have some nerve talking about “democracy,” given what they’ve done. She’s actually the beneficiary of a coup and an “attack” on democracy

As defined by Webster: government by the people especially rule of the majority : a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections

But what was funny was that they finally were able to ask her a critical question about the crazy economic proposals that she made in North Carolina and actually get something of an answer. 

I say something of an answer because her response probably explains why they’ve been avoiding trying to have her talk to the media. Even with friendly press she can’t seem to give a straight or understandable response. 

The reporter asked how she was going to pay for the $1.7 trillion in giveaways that she spoke about in her NC remarks. Now that’s a great question that should be asked of her at every stop. 

She starts using the phraseology “return on investment” talking about the child tax credit. But she doesn’t ever give a real answer about how she’s going to pay for it, it’s all gobbledygook. 

She did try to slip in at the end that “it pays for itself.” Well, no, it doesn’t. Bottom line? People have to understand that what she’s saying would bankrupt us and drive up inflation and our debt even more. 

Tim Walz didn’t look enthused. 

Anyone who doesn’t get what smoke and mirrors this all is yet needs to listen up. They intend to double down and make things even worse with price controls — while charging you more taxes — on top of it all. 

Then she had this cringey moment going into a Sheetz convenience store to get Doritos. Second Gentleman “Dougie” got them for her. The place seemed completely cleared out except for press and security, not one regular person in sight. 

I wrote earlier about how their talking point about crowds actually backfired on them in North Carolina and proved embarrassing for them