Labor Union Files NLRB Charges Against Donald Trump for Elon Musk Interview

Conservative Reboot

Democrats have already put Donald Trump through the wringer.

And they are apparently not done yet with their politically-motivated witch hunt.

New charges have been filed against Trump in a shocking development.

Democrats Use the Government to Go After Donald Trump

Donald Trump’s political opponents are constantly looking for new ways to cast him in a bad light by smearing his reputation and using the power of government against him.

This became apparent as they got him indicted on charges in various states, and ultimately convicted in the state of New York on some very weak counts.

Now labor unions, which in many ways are the engine that the progressive left runs on, are using their immense power to try to take down Trump as well.

Trump recently had an interview with Elon Musk where they spoke freely about a number of different topics on Musk’s platform X, formerly Twitter.

Now, left-wing unions are using this interview as a basis to file charges with the National Labor Relations Board against Donald Trump.

And while these charges aren’t criminal charges and won’t ultimately result in him going to jail, they are yet another example of the left using government to attack Trump.

Labor Charges Filed Against Trump By Left-Wing Union

According to Axios, “The United Auto Workers union said Tuesday that it filed federal labor charges against former President Trump and Tesla CEO Elon Musk after the duo’s conversation on X veered into talk about workers striking.

“The UAW recently endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris‘ 2024 bid, while the union is also aiming to organize Tesla workers.”

It’s clear that the UAW has had their sights set on Trump and Musk both for a while now, seeing as they are trying to defeat Trump’s presidential campaign as well as unionize Musk’s company, Tesla.

Now they are trying to take advantage of this situation to bring the hammer of the NLRB down on both of them.

Here’s the comment Trump actually made in the interview: “You walk in, you say, ‘You want to quit?’ They go on strike, I won’t mention the name of the company, but they go on strike and you say, ‘That’s OK, you’re all gone. You’re all gone.’ So, every one of you is gone.”

The article continues, “Musk, who has endorsed Trump, laughed at the Republican presidential nominee’s comments but didn’t directly address his remarks.”

“When labor charges are filed, the National Labor Relations Board decides whether to investigate the allegations. If it concludes there were violations, it could impose penalties.”

If penalties are imposed on Trump and Musk over this interview, it would be an outrageous abuse.

Trump is a leading candidate for president, and he should be able to speak openly about what he feels is best for the nation without having to worry about charges being brought, even labor charges.

This is another attempt by the left to restrict his speech so that he cannot adequately campaign for president or express his views.

There is perhaps no one that the left would rather take down than Donald Trump and Elon Musk, and they’re using the NLRB to go after them both.