Metro Councilwoman calls for ‘no confidence’ vote against two top city officials

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WKRN) — Metro Councilmember Joy Styles has filed what she says is a first-of-its-kind “no confidence” resolution against Metro Finance Director Kevin Crumbo and Legal Director Wally Dietz.

“I filed this resolution so we can have this conversation in public, this is not a private conversation,” Styles said.

The non-binding resolution lists about a dozen reasons why Styles says Dietz and Crumbo should be replaced. Most of the examples center around the chaos and confusion at the Metro Arts Commission.

Styles says both directors have contributed to the problems at the commission that led to artists and organizations waiting on funding those artists expected.

“‘Debacle’ really, is just one word to describe what’s happening with Metro Arts,” Styles said. “We are in need of a culture change. We cannot continue with status quo. We cannot continue to say that we are a progressive city and put gatekeepers in place that want to maintain what has always been.”

In response to the resolution, the press secretary Alex Apple said Mayor O’Connell supports Dietz and Crumbo.

“Mayor O’Connell is aware of the resolution and disappointed to see a member of Metro Council take this action against leaders who continue to work closely with the Council. He stands by Directors Dietz and Crumbo,” Apple wrote in an email to News 2.

Styles is the sole sponsor of her resolution and says she is expecting continued pushback.

“If we don’t hold the people in town with the most power accountable, why did we run and why are we serving,” she said. “I’m not going to be quiet. I’m not going in a corner. It’s unacceptable and I realize this has never been done and it makes some people very very very very very nervous about what happens now.”

The resolution is set to come up for a vote at next Tuesday’s council meeting.