More on Washington states illegal interference in the removal of illegal aliens

The KHQ piece referenced America First Legal coming to the assistance of the Adams County Sheriff as the State of Washington attempts to strong-arm the Sheriff into violating federal law.

Here is the link to the AFL webpage regards AFL assistance –

These links, within the above article, are cogent –

From the Sanctuary Strongholds webpage:

V. Your jurisdiction’s sanctuary policies could expose you and the other individual officials and employees involved to potential personal financial liability to private plaintiffs.

Concealing, harboring, or shielding aliens could also trigger liability under the federal Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) statute. Civil RICO remedies are available to “[a]ny person injured in his business or property by reason of a violation” and “shall recover threefold the damages he sustains and the cost of the suit, including a reasonable attorney’s fee.” 18 U.S.C. § 1964(c). Public officials who have committed RICO violations may be sued in their individual capacities. Thus, any individual who has been harmed by your jurisdiction’s sanctuary policies, such as victims of crimes committed by aliens you have harbored, may sue you and any other officials involved in harboring that alien for triple damages. Also, you and the other public officials and employees who enforce or follow your jurisdiction’s sanctuary policies could face liability under the substantive due process state-created danger doctrine.

Here are the State Senators and Representatives who voted to pass SB 5497; laws of 2019 –

Representatives Bergquist (D-11), Blake (D-19), Callan (D-5), Chapman (D-24), Cody (D-34), Davis (D-32), Doglio (D-22), Dolan (D-22), Entenman (D-47), Fey (D-27), Fitzgibbon (D-34), Frame (D-36), Goodman (D-45), Gregerson (D-33), Hudgins (D-11), Jinkins (D-27), Kilduff (D-28), Kirby (D-29), Kloba (D-1), Leavitt (D-28), Lekanoff (D-40), Lovick (D-44), Macri (D-43), Mead (D-44), Morgan (D-29), Ormsby (D-3), Ortiz-Self (D-21), Orwall (D-33), Paul (D-10), Pellicciotti (D-30), Peterson (D-21), Pettigrew (D-37), Pollet (D-46), Ramos (D-5), Reeves (D-30), Riccelli (D-3), Robinson (D-38), Ryu (D-32), Santos (D-37), Sells (D-38), Senn (D-41), Shewmake (D-42), Slatter (D-48), Springer (D-45), Stanford (D-1), Stokesbary (R-31), Stonier (D-49), Sullivan (D-47), Tarleton (D-36), Thai (D-41), Tharinger (D-24), Valdez (D-46), Walen (D-48), Wilcox (R-2), Wylie (D-49), Ybarra (R-13), Chopp (D-43)

Senators Billig (D-3), Carlyle (D-36), Cleveland (D-49), Conway (D-29), Darneille (D-27), Das (D-47), Dhingra (D-45), Frockt (D-46), Hasegawa (D-11), Hobbs (D-44), Hunt (D-22), Keiser (D-33), Kuderer (D-48), Liias (D-21), Lovelett (D-40), McCoy (D-38), Mullet (D-5), Nguyen (D-34), Palumbo (D-1), Pedersen (D-43), Randall (D-26), Rolfes (D-23), Saldaña (D-37), Salomon (D-32), Van De Wege (D-24), Wellman (D-41), Wilson, C. (D-30)

And, of course, Inslee signed the bill into law