Mr. Trump, Please Skip The National Press

Erick-Woods Erickson

I have a nationally syndicated radio program that gets callers from Salem, Oregon to West Palm, Florida. My call screener sent me a rare mid-show text message yesterday saying this:

Dude…..the amount of women (now calling from all kinds of different affiliates) complaining that trump is losing their friends and just pissed he won’t stay on message is like nothing I’ve ever experienced in all these years. They are legit upset. From women in their 30’s to some lady and her sister in Kansas City who are in their 80’s.

I know you don’t communicate with the campaign directly but man, if this is any kind of microcosm of a large reaction, he’s in trouble if this continues… All they are begging for is a vision for the future and attacks on crazy kamala. That’s it.

This sentiment expressed by my radio audience should not be unexpected. Voters want a candidate who can sell them on a brighter tomorrow and a vision of how to get there. Instead, Donald Trump came to Georgia and attacked Brian Kemp and his wife. After leaving the campaign trail for a few days, Trump did an interview with a controversial Twitch streamer that has no provable connection to driving voter turnout in swing states.

If Trump wants to win this election, and I hope he does, he needs to focus on local media. Watch: