Muth’s Truths Sept 15

Chuck Muth

* When it comes to moral equivalency, the Pope really took the cake yesterday.
* Commenting on the U.S. presidential election, Pope Francis advised Catholics to choose the “lesser evil,” maintaining that both Kamala Harris and Donald Trump are “against life, be it the one who kicks out migrants, or be it the one who kills babies.”
* Seriously? 
* The one who supports deporting those who enter our country illegally isn’t advocating for ending their life; only sending them home.  But the one advocating for “killing babies” – even in the third trimester – sure is. 
* Seems to me any Catholic, including the Pope, should be able to see which one is truly “against life.”
* Onward…
* Yesterday morning I was scrolling through my Twitter/X feed.  Read that a theater in California (naturally) had decided to cancel its showing of Matt Walsh’s new movie, “Am I Racist?” because of protests against it.
*  In a statement, the theater said “it was not our intention to cause such division by playing the film” and that “the safety of our staff is our number one priority.”
* Curious as to what exactly could trigger these snowflakes so badly, I immediately decided to go see the flick.  And I’m happy to report that no staff at the Sam’s Town theater were injured during its showing.
* The docu-comedy was hilarious in how beautifully it ridiculed the professional race-hustling industry in this country.  Made the racial arsonists featured look like the absolute morons they are.  I highly recommend it.
* And I learned something…
* It’s not me who’s the racist.  The real racists are the people who try to fan racial flames by calling other people racists.
* Speaking of which, some goofball named Steve Sanson tried to hound me while I was having dinner after the Trump/Harris debate at the Ahern Hotel on Tuesday night. 
* I told him to buzz off and apparently hurt his tender widdle snowflake feelings.  So he made a video calling me a “racist piece of sh*t.” 
* Sorry, Steve-o.  Ain’t playin’ your game.  And if that’s the best you got, you ain’t got nuthin’.
* Meanwhile, back at the ranch…
* Nevada Attorney General A.Ron Ford sent out another fundraising pitch on Tuesday, noting all the Kamala/McDonalds-like jobs he supposedly had in his youth (while conveniently leaving out all his arrests).
* But once again, instead of asking for dough for the Harris/Walz campaign, he asked people to donate to HIS campaign. 
* Talk about self-serving.  No wonder he wasn’t tapped as Kamala’s campaign chair in Nevada or given a speaking role at her convention in Chicago.
* Mea culpa.  In my last MTP I noted how badly the supposedly pro-business Las Vegas Chamber and NFIB were knee-capping Gov. Lombardo. 
* While I noted that the Latin Chamber was FAR more supportive of the small business community, I was negligent in not also noting how supportive the Keystone Corp. organization has been.
* Not only in its support of the business community, but in supporting the governor’s endorsed candidates and backing them up with tens of thousands of dollars in contributions.
* Members of the Vegas Chamber and NFIB should cancel their memberships and instead join the Latin Chamber (no, you don’t have to be Hispanic) or Keystone.
* And while we’re on the subject of endorsements…
* What the heck is the Assembly Republican Caucus waiting for in endorsing Kelly Champman, Erica Neely, and Brandon Davis, the Republican nominees for Assembly seats who won their primaries and have been endorsed by the governor?
* In other news, Democrat Rep. Steven Horsford got taken to the woodshed this week by the Las Vegas Police Protective Association for falsely claiming an endorsement by the group that he doesn’t have.
* In a statement, the LVPPA notes that it’s badge/logo “is registered with the State of Nevada and the association objects to your use of it in your commercials and other promotional material.”
* Association General Counsel David Rogers asked Horsford to advise the group if he “will honor our demand so that we may take further action if necessary.”
* I guess the rules don’t apply equally to Democrats.  Par for the course.
“Robin DiAngelo [author of “White Fragility”] has issued a statement denouncing our film. She claims that the movie is ‘designed to humiliate and discredit anti-racist educators and activists.’ She couldn’t be more correct in that assessment. Thank you, Robin!” – Matt Walsh, producer of “Am I Racist?”
Mr. Muth is president of Citizen Outreach, publisher of Nevada News & Views and blogs at  His views are his own.