My essay on How Dems demonized Trump

My essay on How Dems demonized Trump

Vice President Kamala Harris, like her plagiarizing boss President Biden, is shameless copying another politicians’ ideas. Two months after former President Donald Trump proposed ending the tax on tips for service workers, Harris steals his idea and proposes the same tax cut. 

If you believe the polls and the glowing media coverage of Harris, she now is tied or leads the race in the battleground states. Propagandist media says, “She has the vibe.” Well, as Pastor Alton R Williams from World Overcomer’s Church says, “If you ain’t in line with God, I can’t stand with you.” 

I agree. Harris claims to have grown up as a Baptist. So did I. But she doesn’t have a Biblical worldview. I do. 

Harris believes in the right to abortion (child sacrifice). The Bible says, we were made in the image of God (Genesis 1:26). The Bible says that God knew us before we were formed in our mother’s womb (Jeremiah 1:5). God formed our bodies in the womb (Psalm 139:13).

The left compromises Biblical truth. The Hill reported in 2015 that Hillary Clinton said “deep-seated … religious beliefs” have to be changed before the world’s women will get full access to abortion. True followers of Jesus Christ can’t change “religious beliefs” because those beliefs are grounded in the immutable Word of God. 

Pastor Williams says, “I can’t vote for a party that is for all kinds of sexual perversion.” He’s right. The moral standards of the Bible supersede any change in cultural norms. And passing a law doesn’t make it right in the eyes of God.

So why are some professing Christians compromising their beliefs to support a party that holds unbiblical standards? Because they don’t know and/or believe the Bible. They have become the god of their life and are overruling Biblical standards. They need to repent.

Or as Kamala Harris says, she is “focused on what can be, unburdened by what has been” — written in God’s Holy Word.