My fellow Americans


Don’t know how many of you have been watching the Jack Smith witch hunt.  Or how many of you really care.  If you don’t, you should.  We are at war.  No, not a declared war, but a war none-the-less.

The aggressor is the Marxist Democrats; and with few exceptions, the Democrats are Marxists. 

Hillary Clinton was the shoe-in, the personal pick of Barack Obama, to take over where he left off.  She was to bring Agenda 21, in all it’s tyranny, to fruition.

Only Hillary lost the election.  And Donald J Trump set about righting the bad-listing ship of state.

And the Marxist Left went on the attack.  They could not come right out and say, “We are out to destroy the U.S. Constitution”; that would be counter-productive.  So they went after Trump, for more than a few reasons:

He was a Washington outsider;

He could not be bought;

He could not be coerced;

He could not be controlled;

He is not a globalist;

He put America and Americans first;

He was getting far too close to the human trafficking in WDC involved both Democrats and Republicans;

He galvanized the conservative wing of the Republican Party to fight for our freedom.

For these reasons, and more, they cannot allow Donald J Trump to get re-elected.  If he is, the damage to the globalist agenda will be significant.

If they win, your freedom is gone.

If we desert President Trump, we deserve our fate.
