None Dare Call Him “A.Ron”

Chuck Muth

When I’m training candidates, I often refer to this bit of sage advice from the great Chinese general Sun Tzu in “The Art of War” military manual…
     “If your opponent is of choleric temper, seek to irritate him.”
Make no mistake, Democrat Nevada Attorney General Aaron Ford is running against Republican Gov. Joe Lombardo in 2026.  And I’ll never forget the first time I ever met him a dozen years ago.
I said something very simple like, “Aaron, it’s nice to meet you.”
He immediately corrected me in a rather arrogant and forceful manner.
You see, I pronounced his name the way everyone else in the civilized world pronounced it – “air-run.”  He informed me that it was to be pronounced “eh-ron.”
And I’m not the only one.  I found out he regularly corrected everyone and anyone he ran into in Carson City and all over the state who dared mispronounce his name instead of the way he wanted his name pronounced.
I guess at the time he was trying to emulate his hero, O-bama.
Anyway, I took to spelling his name the way he wanted it pronounced in my columns and on social media – A.Ron.  Been doing it for years.
But for some reason it really got under his thin skin last Wednesday when I replied to Steve Sebelius on Twitter/X about Joe Biden losing the support of Nancy Pelosi…
     “But he’s still got Horsford and A.Ron!  So there’s that.”
Two days later, Mr. Ford posted this reply: “My name is spelled ‘Aaron.’” 
To which I replied: “I was spelling it phonetically.” 
To which he replied: “You’re trying to be too cute by half. My name is spelled ‘Aaron,’ and your disrespect in spelling it otherwise has not gone unnoticed.”
I’m surprised he could see it from way up there on his high horse.  And why waste time on something so trivial?  I mean, this is politics, not beanbags, right?

Then Joe Biden quit yesterday, succumbing to the coup staged by Obama/Pelosi & Company.
So I retweeted a tweet Mr. Ford had posted last week when Biden was in town doing his COVID super-spreader events in Las Vegas.
Biden had tweeted, “I’m sick.”  Ford replied – along with a smiling photo of the two of them together – “I might be, too.”  To which I replied…
    “Poor, A.Ron. Hitched his wagon to a falling star. Wonder if he’ll now make the same mistake by hopping on the Kamalala Ding-Dong wagon?”
Which, of course, he did.
But he also replied to my tweet with this…
     “My name is spelled ‘Aaron.’  And her name is spelled ‘Kamala.’”
Wow. This guy is almost as thin-skinned as Jon Ralston.
I also hear he’s back to calling himself “air-run” instead of “eh-ron.” Apparently the elitist sheen has worn off now that he’s looking to run against Gov. Lombardo.
So PLEASE, everybody…if you’re writing about the Democrats’ presumptive nominee for governor in two years, do not spell his name “A.Ron.”  It really, really, really upsets him. And I’m sure none of us want to hurt his feelings.
“It’s the first full day of our campaign, so I’m heading up to Wilmington, DE later to say ‘hello’ to our staff in HQ.  One day down. 105 to go. Together, we’re going to win this.” – Kamala Harris
“I campaigned for & with @JoeBiden until his very last stop last week & am sad to see him go. But make no mistake – I’m ecstatic for @KamalaHarris!” – Nevada Attorney General A.Ron Ford
“If this sh*t were happening in another country — assassination attempt on opposition leader, disappearing the current president, and installing a puppet regime overnight — the UN would send special forces and the warmongers would start to feel a tingle up their legs.” – Harmeet K. Dhillon
“The same people running the country with Biden as their figurehead will continue to run the country with Kamala Harris as their figurehead — or whichever democrat may end up as their nominee. … Kamala Harris is completely unqualified to be commander-in-chief, whose responsibility is to keep our country safe and secure. She not only couldn’t protect our border—she didn’t even want to.” – Tulsi Gabbard
Mr. Muth is president of Citizen Outreach, publisher of Nevada News & Views and blogs at  His views are his own.