Now That the RNC Is Over – Republicans Should Not Fool Themselves that Democrats Are Not Going for the Steal – This Time with Very Different Dynamics

Now that the Republican convention is over let’s not fool ourselves.

Democrats may have a mentally impaired and unpopular candidate hellbent on destroying the nation – but they do have a system to manufacture votes and steal elections.

Trump adviser Peter Navarro takes the stage at the RNC in Milwaukee, Wisconsin after his release from prison earlier today.

Guest post by Jay Valentine at Omega4America

Michael Whatley, RNC Chairman, in a Dan Bongino interview from the convention, was asked how the RNC would stop the illegal aliens voting. His response – the RNC sent a letter to every Secretary of State telling them illegal aliens are not allowed to vote.

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The RNC will litigate any incidence of illegal aliens voting.

The RNC hired 100,000 poll watchers to count those ballots.

Those are the clueless words of a clueless man thinking he is in an election – not an organized, all-in, streetfight STEAL.

If the cliché – “don’t bring a knife to a gunfight” was ever appropriate, this is it – now, and Whatley is standing there with a butter knife – the Left with an AR-15 they want to ban afterward.

The Leftists are hard at work with NGOs, over 10,000 we identified (watch the video here) operating in the U.S. in election-related work – registering voters and fake voters, running voter tracking, get-out-the-vote campaigns, and electioneering.

Those NGOs are bringing people into the country, registering them at soup kitchens, empty buildings, strip malls and scores of ballot collection locations.

Last week we published one, of thousands of emails, witnessing hundreds of non-persons at a food bank. Those people are gone – their mail-in ballots are 91 days away!

The number now exceeds 500,000 each in Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Minnesota, Georgia. The number exceeds 400,000 each in Arizona, Nevada.

We will shortly know the number for Colorado and Virginia – expect it to be on the high side.

These are the actions of Leftist electioneering pros – who understand the new reality is not about getting out the vote. You do not need to get out the vote if you can cast ballots, by the thousands, from empty warehouses.

These pros understand they do not need to have their candidate campaign – they just need compliant polls to be close enough so the steal is not too in-your-face.

Leftists understand a growing number of their fellow citizens just want to have a job, go to soccer practice with the kids, have a barbecue on Saturday and not much be bothered with nasty politics. As long as the Leftists do not rub their noses in a steal who cares? The paycheck comes in, ESPN telecasts the Sunday NFL games and the daughter’s boyfriend doesn’t have tattoos. Life is just fine.

If Leftists make it close, even though millions of citizens are screwed out of their vote, nobody will do much about it. As a predecesor famously said about adultery: “I don’t care much what they do just don’t disturb the horses.”

The courts won’t intervene – no standing, remember? Republican RINOs in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Texas will just go along – nothing to see here.