People of the Right, We Have a Problem

Erick-Woods Erickson

I get attacked for “both sidesing” issues by even some of the commenters here who often cannot see, do not want to see, or refuse to see that the right has problems too. To me, if we cannot be intellectually honest in holding our own side accountable, we will lose credibility with persuadable voters who will not trust us. Likewise, if we refuse to clean up our own house, eventually the voters will turn on us.

We saw that in 2006, when voters decisively turned on the GOP. Democrats saw it in 1994, after the check kiting scandal. Both sides decide the other party is worse and we should keep our mouths shut while problems fester in house.

Right now, we keep witnessing left wing anti-Semitic activists on the left calling for the “death of Zionists” and using eliminationist rhetoric about Jews. We need to stamp this out on our own side.

Meet Evan Kilgore.

He’ll be a featured speaker at a Turning Point USA event. TPUSA has been flirting with a lot of anti-Semites lately.

Is it not just a weird coincidence that while Turning Point USA is having an event in Detroit, noted anti-Semite Nick Fuentes is also having an event at the same time in the same place. And guess who is speaking?

AFPAC is the American First Political Action Conference formed and operated by Nick Fuentes, a noted anti-Semite who has made jokes about the Holocaust and called for the elimination of Judaism in the United States.

Why is TPUSA inviting someone who claims the Jews control the government to be a featured speaker at an event when the guy is also speaking at a white nationalist conference?

Members of the Right, the antisemitism is not just on the left.