It’s dejavu all over again.  Do you remember the last AZ governor’s race between Kari Lake and Katie Hobbs?  Did you notice that despite Kari Lake’s obvious popularity, Katie Hobbs did little if any campaigning or interviews leading up to election day?  Did you notice Katie Hobbs won, and do you remember thinking something was very wrong with that election?

Now join me in the present.  Trump obviously is the most popular presidential candidate, yet Kamala Harris isn’t doing very much campaigning or allowing interviews.  It’s as if Kamala Harris already knows the fix is in, only this time I don’t think they’re going to rely entirely on a rigged election — if at all.  The Deep State has already tried to kill Trump once, and I believe they’ll try again if forced to, but I don’t believe it will come to that.

For some time now, my instincts have been screaming at me that there is a plot afoot, or natural disaster, that will affect the entire nation to the point the November elections will be “delayed” under martial law.  The Deep State is too close to achieving their nefarious goals, and couple that with the fact they know Trump will gut their power if he is allowed to take office again, so in short, they’ve got something up their sleeves to make certain Trump never takes office again.  Short of God’s intervention, that is exactly what I expect will happen.  If such a prolonged outage happens, people who are unprepared will soon find themselves in deep doo-doo, and what do people, especially illegal immigrants do in such circumstances?  They resort to rioting and crimes against others.  There is nothing this corrupt government would like more than a civil war between the people in this nation, because that would certainly rush in a martial law decree and involve the National Guard.

What could the Deep State do to accomplish such a lofty goal?  Let’s say that around 10/15/24, an alleged massive cyber-attack from a foreign nation completely blacks-out the entire nation?  That would definitely work, and all of us would be at the mercy of this corrupt government to tell us what they want us to think, once (and if) communications are restored.  No electricity, no smartphones, no voting machines, no gasoline being pumped, no freshwater pressure, no refrigeration, no EV charging, no air conditioning/heating, and all the other things you can think of.  This government will certainly blame the attack on Russia, China or Iran, but it will be an inside job.  

Some of you may be aware that a message went out over the Dark Web, warning people to stay home and definitely not fly before the so-called “Cloud Strike” event occurred that knocked out airline travel, charge card purchases, etc.  That was a test run, folks, and it was a Deep State operation all the way.  The fact that event happened after the warning on the Dark Web and the warning specifically mentioned the date, Cloud Strike was obviously not a mere glitch caused by a software update.

We’ll soon see if I’m right.

Carl F. Worden