Remember, Then Act

Out of all that is wrong with the United States of America (mostly due to an unlimited federal government), there is much that is right. However, that which is right, has been allowed to be covered up, diminished and labeled the opposite.

While the calendar allows us a day to remember those that have fallen, we have an opportunity to act on their behalf. Remember the sacrifices they made, then act to protect those now serving from future harm, foreign and domestic.

Remember the founding documents (The Declaration of Independence, The Northwest Ordinance, and the Constitution of the United States), then act to educate others about them.

Remember the drive of early Americans to better themselves and future generations, then act to bring more responsibility to your church, family, and community.

Remember our God-given rights, then act to reverse the abuses placed upon them.

And remember the bank of morality this country once had, now nearly depleted, then act to refill it.

We, as Americans, strive to correct the wrongs we see.

This Memorial Day, please do remember. Then act.