Republicans whining about Intiative 2081


I’m tired.  Not only have I fought the Marxist Democrats, I’ve also fought the stupid Republicans.

Case in point:  Initiatve 2081

I tried to tell Washington One that parents rights are God-given, inherent, unalienable (Declaration of Independence).  Instead of rethinking their uninformed position, they pushed ahead with Intiative 2081.

And they got it passed.

And then it backfired, just as the Marxist Democrats, who stood by and said nothing, intended.  As I warned the Republicans, what the government giveth, the government can also taketh. 

I warned the Republicans that parental rights are inherent, God-given, unalienable; that Initiative 2081 gave the government the right to define parental rights.

The Republicans ignored my caution, incouraged parents to sign their misguided and misinformed Initative 2081.

And now the reality hits home.

When will Republicans learn?

Am I angry?  Yes I am.

The Republicans, wittingly or unwitteingly, walked right into this trap; gave Washington State the right to define parental rights.

Anyone, who believe that the ignorant Republicans of this state are their friends, are sorely mistaken.  They are no better than the Marxist Democrats!

Lynn Finney

Spokane, WA