RFK Jr. May Join Forces With Trump

The campaign of independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is considering forming a new party or joining forces with Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump. Nicole Shanahan, RFK Jr.’s running mate, said the campaign has not received a fair chance at winning the election, likely referring to the legal challenges to ballot access the campaign has been facing.

“I really wanted a fair shot at this election, and I believed in the America I as a little girl pledged allegiance to, and that is not where we are today,” Shanahan said in an interview with the Impact Theory podcast posted online on Aug. 20.

Shanahan said “tens of millions of dollars” she put into her own campaign wasn’t intended to make Kennedy a “spoiler” in the 2024 race. But the challenges the campaign is facing, including what she described as being shadow-banned from social media platforms, being kept off stages, and facing legal actions, greatly diminish the chances that a third-party candidate such as Kennedy will win, Shanahan said.

“We wanted to win. We wanted a fair shot,” she said.

The challenges the campaign is facing, including what she described as being shadow-banned from social media platforms, being kept off stages, and facing legal actions, greatly diminish the chances that a third-party candidate such as Kennedy will win, Shanahan said.