School Choice Symposium Aug. 20 See You at the Library Aug. 24

Just Days Away…

Tues. AUGUST 20



There are SO MANY false assumptions circulating about the entire subject of school choice, vouchers, etc. etc…..

ONLY when you learn the FACTS can you engage in and voice your support or make suggestions for improvement of the education of our children with your legislators who make the final decisions.

Please…. make time to share this with your friends, ANY TEACHERS (public AND private schools)

YOU know, and plan to ATTEND!

PLEASE – share this great READING event at our local Library FOR KIDS with EVERYONE you know:

TWO Great Events Coming in September!

Thanks to the several Supporters who have volunteered –

we have COMMITTED and PAID for a booth!



This is an awesome opportunity to expose our group to over 30,000 fair attendees. We are told that the Democratic Party generally has a booth, but other viewpoints have not been represented. While we are NOT a political group, our conservative Christian Values and the educational opportunities we offer WILL BE REPRESENTED!

PLEASE click on the button below to claim YOUR spot!

There is only 1 ‘slot’ per 2.5 hour, but there are 2 chairs, so if you’d like to bring a friend, that is GREAT! You’ll be sharing about We the People of West TN – our Mission, handing out business cards, hopefully getting people’s contact information so that we can include them in news of our group, and also getting interest for future FREE Patriot Academy Constitution Classes, and

REGISTERING THEM TO VOTE in the upcoming Nov. Election!

PLEASE Volunteer for a 2.5 hour time slot