Globalists are gearing up RIGHT NOW for the worst assault on your financial freedom and privacy yet – a “digital dollar,” known as a “Central Bank Digital Currency” or “CBDC.”
Communist China was among the first to issue this digital currency, complete with a social credit score to control the population. . .
Social Credit Score
Those with a bad social credit score receive penalties in the form of things like loan denials, restricted travel, or even public shaming. For citizens, “good” actions could include donating blood or donating to charity, while “bad” actions could be things like driving while intoxicated.
And now the statists in Washington, D.C. are salivating at the prospect of following China’s lead and seizing unprecedented power over your money.
But I have some good news to report.
The states, through their “legal tender” laws, can fight back against this authoritarian threat to your hard-earned money and liberty.
The first CRITICAL step is to specifically exclude a CBDC as legal tender under state law and ensure no public or private entity can compel you to use it.
The second step is to ban its use for any and all state government transactions.
Tennessee has two of these bills moving through the legislature RIGHT NOW!
S.B. 2219/H.B. 1901 would take the first step of specifically excluding a CBDC as legal tender.
With your help, S.B. 2219 just passed the state Senate and H.B. 1901 could be voted on by the full state House very soon.
Please call your state representative and demand they vote YES on S.B. 2219/H.B. 1901.
Unless Tennessee takes this urgent step to protect you, allowing the statists in D.C. to get their way, Big Brother will be able to. . .
. . . WEAPONIZE the IRS against you.
. . . STRIP SEARCH your bank accounts without cause.
. . . DICTATE what you purchase and the causes you can support.
. . . DELETE your savings with a keystroke.
It’s the Federal Reserve (a.k.a. Central Bank) and the fiscal house of cards politicians in BOTH parties have built that’s set our country barreling off a cliff!
The CBDC is an attempt to cover up their malfeasance and seize total control over your money.
The Deep State wants to know where every dollar in your possession came from and where every dollar you spend goes.
It would only be a matter of time before they decide WHAT you’re allowed to buy and IF you’re allowed to buy anything at all!
That’s why it’s so critical you call your state representative and demand they vote YES on S.B. 2219/H.B. 1901.
Click here to find your legislators and contact information.
There’s no time to waste – you and I MUST send a strong message before the die is cast.
For Liberty,
Charles Cook
Tennessee Campaign for Liberty