The Biggest Story You Haven’t Heard About

There’s simply no reason for you to read Pro Publica. It’s a left-wing publication funded by progressive donors and has been instrumental in spearheading the baseless attacks against conservative SCOTUS justices. But to their credit, they unearthed arguably one of the most disturbing stores of the year.

During the pandemic, parents were grappling with a baby formula shortage that left online retailers and supermarkets with little to no options. Secondhand markets ran wild with bottles priced four to five hundred percent above the retail prices.

The Biden administration had the opportunity to eliminate a tariff on baby formula produced outside of the United States that would quickly increase the availability of options for struggling parents. The White House refused to unilaterally lift the tariff due to concern that dairy farmers would revolt against the decision to bring in overseas suppliers. Ultimately, their concern centered around the potential of the dairy farmers retaliating by giving money to the GOP.

Instead of unilaterally lifting the tariffs, the Biden administration spent valuable time seeking an act of Congress to remove the stifling tariffs. The White House chose to hold the lives of American children hostage to a bipartisan congressional deal instead of doing the right thing because they didn’t want to shoulder the fallout from donors and lobbyists.