Thank you to Rep. Monty Fritts and Sen. Mark Pody for passing House Joint Resolution 803 in a call for churches in all 95 counties across the state to join in a time of prayer and repentance for our state in the month of July.

We are asking for churches across the state to share this resolution with their congregations and partner in this effort. You can access the HJR 803 Packet here with all of the information that you’ll need.
Please send this information to your pastor and church leadership and request that your church participate in this statewide effort in prayer.
House Joint Resolution 803 was signed into law by Governor Lee in April 2024. This Resolution encourages Tennesseans statewide to participate in prayer, fasting, and repentance in July. Tennessee Stands is supporting Representative Monty Fritts and Senator Mark Pody in a 30-day, bipartisan movement to spread this message across our beautiful state. This will serve as a powerful reminder of the importance of faith and reflection in guiding our actions and shaping our communities.
During July, Senator Pody and Representative Fritts will travel the state to read HJR 803, confess the need for repentance, and pray with our communities. We are counting on our esteemed church leaders to play a crucial role in sharing this message and encouraging church members to pray, fast, and seek repentance. Your leadership is key in this, as we have faith that God will cover Tennessee with grace and mercy through this joint effort.
Participation includes any of the following:
- Attending the Pray4TN rally at Legislative Plaza
- Praying daily for Tennessee
- Hosting Rep. Fritts or Senator Pody in your community or church
- Spreading the word to other church leaders and believers
- Fasting, if possible
The Pray4TN rally at the Legislative Plaza will mark the beginning of this movement. However, we are inviting you to participate in any of these meaningful ways. If you are a prayer partner or a church that would like to connect, please reach out to our team. We would love to have you as part of our community of prayer.