The Left can’t defend gender ideology so it censors the truth about it

By Anna Broussard

The company XX-XY athletics has been permanently banned on TikTok because of a supposedly offensive advertisement, reminding us that the Left is using censorship to hide their lies. 

The former USA champion gymnast and founder of XX-XY athletics, Jennifer Sey, announced this week that her company had been removed from TikTok due to an ad the social media platform deemed offensive.

The advertisement showed clips of trans-identifying boys injuring girls during sporting events due to the biological advantages that boys have over girls in athletics. And according to Tiktok, this reality is offensive and cannot be promoted on the website. 

This should surprise few because censoring facts is what leftist-controlled Big Tech does best. 

But underneath the open censorship are the lies that the leftist agenda is trying to feed the public. 

The truth is that biological men in women’s sports are a physical danger to women and a threat to the progress and success of women in athletics. Such is the hypocrisy from the Left that they proclaim feminist values elsewhere, especially on the issue of abortion, while championing men who destroy female excellence in athletics. 

Censorship can’t hide this blatant hypocrisy. The Left would rather ban a female-run business on social media and allow other athletic apparel companies to dominate than allow Sey to tell the truth about trans-identifying boys in women’s sports. 

Still, this shouldn’t come as a surprise. Gender ideology is fragile and increasingly unpopular, and it can only be maintained by silencing those who speak out against it. It’s the only way to protect gender ideology’s lies.

But these lies are corrupting female sports. There is a discouraging decline in school-aged girls’ participation in athletics, all while leftist media applaud trans-identifying boys taking titles away from hard-working girls. 

Sey is working to reverse this trend and protect young girls in athletics. And it is clear the only effective way to stop her is to censor her. 

Censorship is the only way to protect this crumbling ideology. Otherwise, the Left would have to admit that allowing men to destroy female excellence is what they actually want.