The New Attack Against Homeschooling

Erick-Woods Erickson

When Brian Kemp was forced to implement lockdowns during COVID, he was roundly mocked for raising the concern that children who live with abusive parents would be forced to spend more time around their abusers. The left chided this worry as an anti-science excuse to avoid extended lockdowns. Less than five years later, progressives are twisting this legitimate concern as an attack against the right to homeschool.

The wokes at Scientific American – the same publication that writes obsessively about gay animals – published a deranged piece attacking the merits of homeschooling. The subheadline went so far as to claim that because of homeschooling there are “an untold number of U.S. children… at risk of a poor education or even abuse.” How many kids were shot in Chicago last weekend?

The ultimate concern from the author is that a growing number of parents are choosing to homeschool their kids because they want more control over their kid’s school curriculum. The author says some parents even decide to use “Christian home­school­ing curricula (which teaches) Young Earth Creationism instead of evolution.”

While the wokes at Scientific American correctly point out that a growing number of parents are choosing to homeschool, they fail to point out why. During COVID, parents watched their kids being taught Common Core math and progressive lunacy on gender and race and decided to take matters into their own hands. It was the pseudo-scientific agenda of the progressive left that forced many parents into action.

Instead of focusing on the staggering amounts of data on the vast number of kids failing in public schools, Scientific American would rather complain about engaged parents taking responsibility for their children’s education.