The New York Times’ Dumb Attack


People are stupid and many of those stupid people work for the New York Times. Their latest scandal is that Sam Alito’s vacation house had the “Appeal to Heaven” flag flying with a Phillies flag. Some people in Washington on January 6th also carried that flag. Therefore, the Alitos are closet insurrectionists. Using that logic, the American flag is also an insurrectionist flag because many rioters on January 6th also carried that.

“Last summer, two years after an upside-down American flag was flown outside the Virginia home of Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr., another provocative symbol was displayed at his vacation house in New Jersey, according to interviews and photographs,” the Times breathlessly reports. It was so provocative that no one commented on it for a year until a New York Times reporter wrote about it. It really must have been provocative for no one to bother with it for that long.

The Appeal to Heaven flag was personally commissioned by George Washington and many of the progressives upset about it have no earthly idea what the Appeal to Heaven flag is and did not know it was a thing until the New York Times wrote about it. I have one in my office and have flown one.

This reminds me of Chris Hayes of MSNBC. The employee of the network that has inspired multiple mass assassination attempts was utterly shocked that aid to Gaza is not reaching the people of Gaza. It’s been well known and documented since mid-October of last year that Hamas was intercepting the aid meant for Gaza. Hayes, undoubtedly, really thought Israel was creating a famine as opposed to Hamas was stealing all the food.

Progressives, in their cloistered bubbles, rely on progressives at the New York Times to tell them what to think. The Times gives away the game of their agenda with these two paragraphs in the hit job on Alito.

During the period the Appeal to Heaven flag was seen flying at the justice’s New Jersey house, a key Jan. 6 case arrived at the Supreme Court, challenging whether those who stormed the Capitol could be prosecuted for obstruction.

In coming weeks, the justices will rule on that case, which could scuttle some of the charges against Mr. Trump, as well as on whether he is immune from prosecution for actions he took while president. Their decisions will shape how accountable he can be held for trying to overturn the last presidential election and his chances at regaining the White House in the next one.

In other words, this story is about roughing up the refs as a primary goal and an effort to discredit the Supreme Court in the secondary goal.

The left, of which the New York Times is reliably a part, cannot tolerate any institution it does not control. If the Democrats lose the Senate in November, we will be back to hearing horror stories of how undemocratic the Senate is. For now, their focus is on the Supreme Court. Anything the left does not control must be discredited.

It’s why the national news media to this day reviles any Republican election denier, but platforms, sometimes as news anchors, Democrat election deniers. Democrats have denied the legitimacy of every election they have lost since George W. Bush’s 2000 victory. They have denounced every institution they do not control. The Times is part of this. But the public is on to the act.

The American media is less popular than most sexually transmitted diseases and less trusted than pedophiles with lollipops. They have no humility to course correct. And, as Isaac Schorr pointed out on Twitter, the truth is that your average national reporter prefers Ayatollah Khamenei to Sam Alito.

This stuff isn’t really working on the public anymore. The Harvard-Harris poll shows a majority of Americans have a favorable view of the Supreme Court and only 39% have a favorable view of MSNBC. The national media does itself no favors. The left has gotten deeply unpopular.