The Partisan Prosecution of Donald Trump

Erick-Woods Erickson

Progressives have been hyperbolically outraged for months that the Trump-appointed Judge Aileen Cannon has remained on the bench for Trump’s document case in Florida. Notably, Cannon was given a motion by Trump’s team to dismiss the case and she denied it.

Progressives have been equally angered that Supreme Court Justice Sam Alito has not recused himself from cases involving January 6th over his choice to fly the Appeal to Heaven Flag that was originally created by George Washington. Literally, until last week, the Appeal to Heaven Flag was flying in front of San Francisco City Hall until the left deemed it to be racist.

Meanwhile, nearly none of the progressive pundits or mainstream outlets have noted that the judge for Trump’s hush-money trial in New York gave $35 to a political fund that was designated to stop Trump. Since the donation was below the $250 threshold, Judge Juan Merchan had the chance to make the donation anonymous but chose to make his actions public.

None of the progressives upset with Cannon or Alito cared that the prosecutor was a man who campaigned on indicting and prosecuting Donald Trump. Instead, they memory-holed Bragg’s District Attorney campaign and have repeatedly claimed that Bragg was reluctant to prosecute. None of the outraged progressives cared that Bragg’s untested legal theory – which combined state and federal law and was passed on by the Justice Department and the Federal Election Commission – was specifically designed to catch Donald Trump.

The double standard that progressives have is profound. The appearance of any form of impropriety is discrediting for conservatives but is completely disregarded when applied to the left.

But there’s more. Watch: