The Press Covers for Harris Again

Erick-Woods Erickson

In 1979, the head of the National Rifle Association and members of a fraternity, killed a cat.

That’s a big story in much of the mainstream media overnight. Yes, it happened in 1979.

Meanwhile, Kamala Harris actually did plagiarize Wikipedia for her book. It is not even in dispute. The New York Times’s own expert on plagiarism admits it.

But the Times and most of the mainstream media are treating it as a “conservatives pounce” story, and the Times’s expert assures everyone the plagiarism is really no big deal. Also, notice the New York Times failed to exercise even curiosity enough to examine the writings of the Vice President of the United States, but sure did spend time on JD Vance’s book’s narrative.

Tim Walz’s lies about his military service were no big deal.

Tim Walz’s lies about his time in China were no big deal.

Harris’s plagiarism is no big deal.

Her lack of evidence about working at McDonalds is no big deal.

But did you hear what Donald Trump said? It is also spun into the worst case scenario. Take, for example, Trump’s “dictator for a day” line that clearly meant he’d unilaterally undo a bunch of Biden executive orders and put in place his own.

Or take his “blood bath” comments about the auto industry, which the mainstream media assured us was actually really sinister.

Too much of the American political press corps is actively and openly rooting for Kamala Harris, they refuse to acknowledge it despit it being so obvious, and they refuse to do any self-reflection on why no one trusts them.

There are some great reporters in America. But their peers are sabotaging an entire industry — whether it is Jim Acosta who’d have on psychologists to suggest Trump had issues while waving away concerns about Biden or Heidi whatshername from Politico who insists only Christian Nationalists believe our rights come from God or most of MSNBC, the New York Times, and the fact checking industry.

The press corps generally root for the Democrats, and Republicans must remember that. They are from the left, in the left’s bubble, and lack curiosity about those outside their bubble — often showing disdain for those who are not like them.

Likewise, much of the American press suffers from the same mental illnesses of the left and their anxieties, neuroses, and obsessions fuel their own discontent. They, like their leftwing peers, really do think men can become women and normal Americans are bigots.

Take a lesson from JD Vance and his handling of Martha Raddatz, who tried to wave away the fact that a violent Venezuelan gang is spreading in America because it’s just “a handful of apartment complexes.”