The Problem With Biden’s Speech

Erick-Woods Erickson

Joe Biden gave a fine speech last night for an aging President who is not seeking reelection. If you’re a hardcore partisan, you’ll find something to quibble over. But in its entirety, it’s one of the better speeches I’ve heard from a President I didn’t particularly care for.

However, as soon as Biden was done and the cameras were off, media outlets paraded out prominent Democrats who fawned over Biden’s speech and praised his selflessness in stepping down from the job. Even my friend David Axelrod was on CNN remarking how rare it is for someone like Biden to willingly give up power.

Except he didn’t. The same Democrats eulogizing Biden are the ones who behind the scenes organized to subvert the democratically elected nominee of their party. The same media outlets organizing these Biden parades are the ones who have been attacking him like a Republican over the past month. Democrats and the media take seriously the will of the people until the people choose a nominee they don’t believe can win. Watch: