The Scandal Is Bigger

By Erick-Woods Erickson

The scandal we are dealing with is bigger than having a cognitively impaired President of the United States.

Just the other day, the New York Times used Joe Biden freezing at a Juneteenth event at the White House as an example of his impairment. But two weeks ago, the New York Times claimed rightwingers were selectively excerpting that video to make Biden appear like he was freezing.

The media has defended Joe Biden, advanced the voices that defended Joe Biden, and lacked the basic curiosity to ask tough questions.

The same media has largely dismissed conservative concerns about the odds of terrorists coming across the border, suggesting it is just a rightwing talking point.

The same media has downplayed the growing number of Americans murdered by illegal aliens, claiming that, actually, citizens kill more Americans, so it is no big deal.

The same media gave the White House a great pass on calling inflation “transitory.”

The same media, when Biden makes a gaffe, claims it is just a stutter or taken out of context but then loses their minds when Trump makes a joke. See, e.g., the Hannibal Lecter comment.

The scandal is not just Joe Biden but the sycophantic American press corps that gives Democrats the benefit of every doubt and doubts the veracity of every Republican claim.

For four years, Republicans have vocally said Joe Biden had mentally declined. The media dismissed it, denied it, or downplayed it.

Now, they claim they have not dismissed, denied, and downplayed it and are trying to claim they were kept in the dark.

The scandal is bigger than Joe Biden.