The Thoroughly Discredited Mainstream Media

Erick-Woods Erickson

When Hillary Clinton lost the election to Donald Trump in 2016, her campaign immediately blamed Russian disinformation through nefarious Facebook ads. Despite multiple investigations suggesting that a negligible amount of money was spent for Trump AND Clinton by the Russians, many on the left blame Russia for the election of Donald Trump to this day.

Donald Trump sat down for an interview with Lesley Stahl two weeks before the 2020 election, he was cut off and dismissed by Stahl when he referenced Hunter Biden’s laptop. Stahl claimed the laptop could not be verified and therefore he should not be discussing the subject. Ultimately, Trump cut the interview short.

Shortly thereafter in a debate, Joe Biden went so far as to claim that the Hunter Biden laptop theory was Russian misinformation that the Trump campaign was gladly regurgitating. He cited 50+ national security advisors – many of whom had claimed Trump colluded with Russia – who also claimed that theories behind Hunter’s laptop were Russian misinformation.

But now thanks to an FBI agent who testified this week in Hunter Biden’s gun trial in Deleware, we officially know the FBI found no evidence of tampering on the laptop. In short, Hunter Biden’s laptop, which held copious amounts of deviant files and showed highly unusual communications with foreign businessmen, is legitimate.

Over the past week, mainstream media outlets have been discredited on everything from Hunter Biden’s laptop to COVID-19 origins to Russian collusion. But that’s just the beginning. Watch: