Vritually Everyone Thinks Kamala Harris Was Part of the Biden Health Cover-up

AP Photo/Evan Vucci


This game the Biden White House is playing is ridiculous. They deny the president stepped away due to health reasons. We all saw this trainwreck in real-time. The June 27 debate, where Biden got thrashed by Donald Trump, was the implosion of an elaborate scheme to cover up Joe Biden’s declining mental health that suddenly was common knowledge among aides and officials. The media played a huge role in helping Biden’s staff shield the president from scrutiny of his gradual loss of his mental facilities.

The industry admits they did this to avoid helping Trump or losing access, which are inexcusable reasons. The guardrails weren’t impenetrable since a flurry of stories about Biden’s mental slippage poured out after the debate. The dam broke on July 21 when Biden, after pressure from party bosses, Hill Democrats, and donors, finally called it quits. Yet, nearly everyone thinks that Kamala Harris, who reportedly saw Biden daily, had an active role in the alleged cover-up: 92 percent in a YouGov poll thinks she helped hide the president’s deteriorating health condition (via NY Post): 

What did the vice president know about President Biden’s health issues and when did she know it? 

And why didn’t she share the details with the American people? 

That last is the question nearly everyone who believes there was a coverup has, according to a YouGov/Times of London poll of 1,170 registered voters. 


A staggering 92% of respondents who believe there was a coverup think Harris knew at least a little bit about the president’s progressive deterioration, which became too much for even mainstream media to deny after his debate debacle against former President Donald Trump last month in Atlanta, though Biden’s issues have been discussed openly on the right since he took office in 2021. 

And of that vast majority of coverup believers charging Harris, a former prosecutor, with being part of a conspiracy to defraud the American people about the octogenarian’s obvious decline, most believe she knew a “great deal” about Biden’s issues — but chose not to say anything. 

Overall, 68% say she had ample knowledge of Biden’s deterioration, with 78% of Republicans, 73% of independents, and 82% of self-identified conservatives believing the VP was central to the coverup. 


The one saving grace for Harris? Only 22% of coverup believers among Democrats, who look poised to nominate her for the presidency without the input of a single voter, think she knew a great deal about Biden’s issues. 

In a race that’s likely to be close, 22 percent have doubts about Kamala and her character, which is sort of significant.