Washington become one-party state

Republicans would do well to acknowledge that as you sow, so shall you reap.

Let me take you back to February 28, 1998.  On that date, Roxanne Sitler, Cris Shardleman, and I did a presentation on The Schools for the 21st Century Pilot Project, bringing the Marxist philosophy of education to every school district in Washington State. 

The gallery, in the hearing room, should have been filled with Republicans.  It was not.  Republicans were told that they would pay dearly if they showed up.  The cowardice was evident.  Senator Harold Hochstatter, head of the Senate Education Committee, who held the hearing, was subsequently relegated to a closet-size office in the basement of the Senate Legislative Office Building.  When he ran for governor, the Republican Party refused to back him.

Since then, Republicans have watched as the number of Republicans, both House and Senate, have steadily dwindled.  How long has it been since Republicans held a majority, in either house?

Over the past three years, Republicans have been provided with proof of voter fraud in Washington State.  They have been urged, in the strongest terms, to address the problem. They have been provided with a link to the technology to address the problem (Fractal).  Yet Republicans have done nothing.

As much as people blame the Marxist Democrats for what is happening in Washington State, they are also blaming Republicans who refuse, in the face of evidence, to address the problem.

Unless Republicans grow a spine, the number of Republicans, in Olympia, are going to continue to dwindle.