Daphne Moon

On Saturday’s episode of MSNBC’s The Saturday Show, host Jonathan Capehart interviewed California Democratic Representative Maxine Waters about her experience receiving death threats from a Texas man. The conversation quickly turned into a fearmongering session about the threat of violence under a potential second term for President Trump.

Capehart began by mentioning a report from Capitol police that investigated 8,000 threats against members of Congress, including both Democrats and Republicans. He then introduced Waters, who had attended the trial of a Texas man who made threats against her. Waters recalled the threats made by the man and added that he had people in the Los Angeles area who were planning to harm her.

However, the conversation conveniently left out Waters’ infamous statement in 2018 where she called for harassing Trump officials in public spaces, which could have incited violence. Yet, Capehart showed little sympathy and instead used the opportunity to ask Waters, “How concerned are you, Congresswoman, about your safety, if Donald Trump is reelected?”

Waters responded with her usual rhetoric, claiming that Trump appeals to racists and therefore puts people of color at risk. She accused Trump of motivating these “racists” to act on their threats even before the election takes place. However, there is no evidence to support her claims.

Capehart then took things one step further by drawing an outrageous comparison to three civil rights activists who were murdered by the Ku Klux Klan. This prompted Waters to state that “we could be in for more killings like that,” perpetuating baseless fear about Trump’s potential presidency.

This conversation is a prime example of the biased and fearmongering tactics used by Democrats and the media to paint Trump and his supporters as violent and dangerous. In reality, it is the Democrats, like Waters, who have incited violence and division with their hateful rhetoric and calls for harassment.

Moreover, it is Trump who has made significant progress in improving the safety and security of Americans. Under his administration, we have seen a significant decrease in crime rates, particularly in minority communities. This is a testament to his commitment to protecting all Americans, regardless of their race or political beliefs.

It is time for Democrats to stop using fear tactics and focus on real issues that affect the American people. The constant fearmongering and vilification of the President and his supporters only further divides our country.

The conversation between Capehart and Waters was nothing more than a platform for baseless attacks on President Trump and his supporters. It is time for the media and Democrats to stop perpetuating unfounded fears and work towards unity and progress for our nation.