Who is Kamala Harris?


Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are travels around the country lying to people about what she stands for. 

She likes to quote Maya Angelou who said, “When someone tells you who they are, believe them the first time.”  Believe Kamala Harris, she has told you who she is.

Here is who Harris really is …

  • Pro-abortion up to and post-birth (1)
  • Will close all illegal alien detention centers
  • Supports open borders
  • Supports amnesty for the approximate 60 million illegal aliens already in the U.S.
  • Was the tie-breaking vote on the Inflation Reduction Act causing inflation to skyrocket
  • Is against fracking
  • Supports the eradication of oil, natural gas, and coal as energy sources
  • Supports medicare-for-all, eradicating all private insurance
  • Supports the war in Ukraine and Israel as a means of shifting wealth from the middle-class to the elite-class
  • Hates Israel
  • Supports Hamas
  • Has supported Bidenomics decimating the U.S. economy
  • Has supported policies that result in rising crime
  • Supports defunding police
  • Supported and helped bail out criminals during the Summer of Love
  • Told Jacob Blake that she was proud of him
  • Supports the confiscation of guns from Americans
  • Grew up in a family of avowed Marxists
  • Has prior connections to Comrade Obama
  • Supports “community over individual” (Marxist)
  • Supports “equality of outcome” (Marxist)
  • Supports flying illegal aliens into the country at taxpayer expense
  • Supports Agenda 2030 / 2050; the globalist agenda
  • Supports allowing illegal aliens the right to vote; opposes the SAVE Act requiring proof of citizenship to vote
  • Supports raising taxes on all Americans
  • Was Vice-President and last person in the room when the botched Afghanistan withdrawal decision was made
  • Was Vice-President and last person in the room when the U.S. vacated  eleven Embassies under duress.
  • Is a constant flip-flopper

(1) Look at S 1645 introduced in the 116th Congress, 1st Session –

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Once the URL opens, go to Sec 4(a) in particular (9). 

SEC. 4. PERMITTED SERVICES. 4 (a) GENERAL RULE.—A health are provider has a statutory right under this Act to provide abortion services, and may provide abortion services, and that provider’s patient has a corresponding right to receive such services, 8 without any of the following limitations or requirements:

(9) A prohibition on abortion after fetal viability when, in the good-faith medical judgment of the treating health care provider, continuation of the pregnancy would pose a risk to the pregnant patient’s life or health.

Understand that “life or health” is not defined.  A woman could receive a partial-birth or post-birth abortion under the guise of “mental health”.