The WHO, the World “Health” Organization, just got caught in a fat lie.  A man in Mexico died recently, and the WHO came out and said he had died from Bird Flu (the next planned pandemic).  However, when Mexico found out they claimed this, they corrected the WHO and said the man did not die from Bird Flu at all.  The deceased was morbidly fat and had all kinds of concurrent conditions that caused his death.  It is still unclear whether the man had been diagnosed with Bird Flu at all, but if he did, he died with Bird Flu, not from Bird Flu.

This was a deliberate lie perpetrated by the WHO, and that fat lie was directed to the American population because Mexico is right next door to the USA, and we know illegal immigrants are flowing across our border from Mexico.  It was intended to instill great fear, but in this case the WHO performed a hard face-plant when Mexico decided not to play the game.

Carl F. Worden