You’re Missing The Point Of Cutting Food Bank Funding

There’s a coordinated effort to undermine Trump’s cuts in federal spending by highlighting the most egregious examples with the most tantalizing headlines.

A local paper in Fort Worth, Texas was outraged that a neighborhood food bank was being forced to raise funds from the private sector due to the ending of the Federal Food Assistance Program. But the pandemic-era program was set to expire in six months with Trump simply expediting the process.

The reporter, and many others in similar publications, are outraged that a nonprofit is being forced to fundraise from the private sector, just like every other nonprofit does. But the larger issue is that we as a people have abdicated our responsibility of taking care of the poor to the federal government. Instead of sending kids on “mission trips” to picture-perfect beaches in third-world countries, perhaps we’d be better off if they took a shift at the local soup kitchen or volunteered at the local homeless shelter. When Jesus references the poor, he undeniably puts the burden of support on me and you, not the federal government.