Why Nikki Haley Endorsed Trump


Nicole Wallace and others at MSNBC are in abject meltdown over Nikki Haley’s decision to endorse Donald Trump. Cloaked in all black as Trump surges in the polls, Wallace ended her diatribe against Haley by claiming, “We need shrinks and cult experts to explain this.”

The willful ignorance of MSNBC to suggest Haley’s endorsement is a character flaw blatantly ignores the basics of politics. Presidential candidate Kamala Harris said that Joe Biden was trying to keep Black people in chains before endorsing him and joining his ticket. Did Nicole Wallace blast Harris for changing her tune or is the attack against Haley singularly focused on an obsession over Donald Trump?

Some of you won’t like what I am about to say, but it’s the truth. If we’re being really honest, the existential daily panic at MSNBC over the prospect of a Trump second term is an attempt to get him assassinated. They’ve already done this before. James Hodgkinson fired 70 rounds at congressional Republicans and Floyd Lee Corkins attempted to shoot up the Family Research Council after each man was inspired to violence by MSNBC.

The truth is that Nikki Haley is where many Americans are in this country. For all of Trump’s character issues, his term in office was marked by international calmness and economic sanity which stands in stark contrast to the world today. Meanwhile, Nikki Haley and other Trump-skeptical Republicans woke up today to China’s Navy surrounding Taiwan, Russia using chemical weapons in Ukraine, and videos of bloodied young Israeli women held by Hamas for more than 200 days.

What’s happening in this White House isn’t working on multiple levels. I get this. You get this. But Nicole Wallace needs a “shrink and cult experts to explain this”? These aren’t serious people.