Gary Varvel: Biden the appeaser

Setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled

How not to fight a war:

  1. Announce days in advance that you are going to launch an air attack.
  2. Launch slow-flying drones that have to travel 1800 miles over 5 hours. 

Iran knows now, how not to fight a war with Israel. Ninety-nine percent of Iran’s bombs were shot down before they could enter Israeli airspace. Jordan and Saudi Arabia assisted Israel along with British and American fighter jets. Now, President Biden is begging Israel prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu to not retaliate.

Therefore, this is NOT a fulfillment of Bible prophecy. If anything, it is a birth pain of wars and rumors of wars spoken of by Jesus in Matthew 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21. Until now, Iran has used its proxies Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis, and others to carry out attacks against Israel. On April 14, Iran directly attacked Israel. The Bible says it won’t be the last time.

The Bible says that Persia (which became Iran in 1935) will eventually join a coalition of nations to attack Israel. Those nations include Russia, Turkey and others. We are watching the stage being set for the fulfillment of the Ezekiel 38 and 39 war.

At that time, no other nation will come to its defense. Ezekiel 38:13 (NASB) says, “Sheba and Dedan and the merchants of Tarshish with all its villages will say to you, ‘Have you come to capture spoils?” They question the attack but do nothing to stop it. 

When no one comes to Israel’s aid, God defends Israel with an earthquake, he turns the invaders to fight against themselves and He “will pour down torrents of rain, hailstones and burning sulfur” on the attackers (Ezekiel 38:22) Then it says, “Then they (the nations) will know that I am the Lord.” (Ezekiel 38-23)

That’s not all, in Ezekiel 39:6 it says, “I will send fire on Magog and on those who live in safety in the coastlands, and they will know that I am the Lord.” Meaning that the invading armies aren’t the only ones destroyed but also many of the people from those invading countries.

VIDEO – Jimmy DeYoung explains what will happen in the Ezekiel 38 war.

On October 9, 2005, the late prophecy teacher and journalist, Jimmy DeYoung (see above) visited my church in Indiana. I had lunch with him that day and I asked him, “Since we know that the Third Temple will be built some day, what do you think is going to happen to the Dome of the Rock since it sits on the Temple mount and must be removed?

DeYoung said, “I don’t know, but I wouldn’t be surprised if the Muslims shoot an errant Scud missile that veers off course and blows up the Dome.” DeYoung died in 2021.

I remembered that conversation on Saturday when I saw video shot from the Dome of the Rock with Iran’s missiles overhead. Israel’s Iron Dome rockets eliminated the threat.

VIDEO – The Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem.

When Iran attacked, Israel defended the Muslim places of worship. They may not in the future.

Video – One for Israel says the trust is in the Lord.

God told Ezekiel to write about this war 2600 years ago. Impossible? Not to God who knows the end from the beginning. This was written for our generation so that when it begins, we will put our trust in Him, our only hope.


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